Non-Revenue Water Project in Brčko District

A presentation entitled “Analysis of non-revenue water in the water supply system of the Brcko District of BiH – action plan for reducing non-revenue water” was held on the premises of company JP Komunalno Brčko, for the employees of “RJ Vodovod i Kanalizacija” and representatives of the Department for Communal Affairs. The presentation was led and moderated by Đevad Koldžo, a non-revenue water expert from Water Loss ltd which drafted this action plan.

The participants were presented with a project of defining measures to reduce non-revenue water, which includes the implementation of a process consisting of systemic technical changes in operation, and short-term and long-term measures.

In order to solve the thematic problem, a proposal was made for zoning the system, which represents the determination of boundaries and the physical division of the water supply system, i.e. the establishment of DMA zones that will enable and lead to the economic level of losses.

It was also mentioned that the commercial losses of the water supply system of the Brčko District of BiH are satisfactory and that, according to the IWA methodology, the value of physical losses presented through the value of the Infrastructure Leakage Index (OR) is much higher than it should be.

The main priorities to be worked on in the future are the establishment of DMA zones according to the adopted proposal (first DMA zones in the city centre) with the purchase of equipment for measuring and detecting water leaks and replacement of all main water meters in front of buildings to be functional. At the same time, water meters will be checked at field, as well as whether the database of consumers is updated. Investment in professional development of the staff of the water supply utility will be intensified.